More than any other time, we must share what is happening in Search Marketing in 2024. There has been a developing situation - speeding up - and we could do with everyone being on the same page.
I would like to include our team, clients and partners in all that we are trying to do to generate value.
Essentially, paid clicks behave more like SEO (more early-stage interest). What we are doing about that, we share in this post.
Google has ripped up the rules and rebuilt the advertising engine. And not in an entirely good way.
- More words are included in the Ad Stream by default
- We can't target ultra-high-value clicks without attracting others; costs are under upward pressure
- And, because ads now show up above more SEO, it reduces organic click market share, especially for valuable searches.
The better you were doing before, the more impactful the hit now.
We'll get into the details, but if you are looking for reasons, it could be the average drop of about 20% in clicks the last year, on top of a fall in 2022. Google need more paid clicks. This and the economy mean many companies are bidding high (unsustainably), particularly for high-value products and services. It's a bit of a spiral downward for value.
It will bounce back, and costs will drop again. It pays to be ready.
Give me solutions not problems?
I hear you. Having spent the best part of 18 months working on strategies, we can solve this. I hope to introduce you to them in the next few weeks. Apart from going ultra-detailed on all these new words we have to handle, the only other way to deal with it is to convert more of them. The playing field is evening out on traffic, we have to convert more.
To achieve this, we have been working on a framework to help understand search better and build better website experiences, and this is now largely completed. But first, we want to share what happened.
Firstly, it helps to understand what changed.
The nature of the change in Search
The best way I can describe it is this
Keywords are shopping bags
We are shopping for ad clicks. Google puts the shopping - the actual visitor search terms - inside the 'keyword bag'.
In years gone by, the words we asked for were largely honoured; the words matched, and the bag contents were predictable.
- You wanted a type of cheese; you got it.
- We are good at finding highly undervalued cheese.
- The difference in value between slightly different words can be hard to conceive.
The ‘keyword’ shopping bag can now contain anything according to Google's choice.
It might be the cheese you want. It might be a type of cheese you don't want. It might not be cheese; it is sometimes ‘totally’ disconnected. It is more often curd. Early-stage clicks are 95% of all searches.
- They moved the edam cheese.
- They broke analytics.
- Measuring shopping bags with variable, invisible contents is an illusion.
A significant change.
Google want more people to pay for earlier stage clicks.
Some searches, like competitor names and locations we don't want, are downright skulduggery. We proactively negate these. Maintaining profitability is much in click prevention.
The operation is more expensive mainly because we deal with earlier-stage clicks.
- The prospect of paying for multiple future clicks from returning early visitors
- They are ambiguous and fluffy, less specific in nature
- Those visitors don't know yet know what they need
- They don't see the right content. It's missing because we weren't handling those clicks before.
Some clients have the opposite issue, where we need more late-stage content. For most, the answer is writing things and creating pages that better serve early-stage visitors. How difficult can that be?
If you convert enough, then you can afford all the clicks you want.
- We have more early-stage clicks to handle
- The nature of those clicks was unfamiliar when we first organised content,
- Single-keyword page combinations will not work as well as before
- We must be more granular with our 'search content combos' to serve more ambiguous visitors.
How to fix campaigns
Pretending all is fine and trusting Google's ‘automation' is not OK.
We do not believe any Google spin or recommendations or take them seriously without thought. Google bidding against itself in our own and direct competitor accounts will not end well. It is unethical. Their reps are now targeted on higher spend and also on getting settings changed.
Besides, we want to do better than competitor accounts, not the same.
We develop traffic control systems
Our negative game has to be spot on. The best we can be - we improve the more we try; recent efforts are promising - structuring 10's of thousands of search terms is hard, and even then, we can't prevent all the extra clicks. It's insidious. It is also way more time-consuming than before.
How to fix more variable clicks
The second string to our strategy bow is familiar.
The conversion of more clicks holds by far the more significant potential for businesses. It might even prove good for the long-term health of our brands if we get there first. It is an opportunity to act quickly.
Influence early clicks
Those who effectively deal with more customers at earlier stages will have more influence and margin defence. Both fixing campaigns and site content depend greatly on knowing what words are worth and how to meet click intent with site experience.
Lots of progress here. I feel we are well-placed to help as a provider across all search disciplines. If we can't prevent all clicks, we maximise them instead. It is not as if the visitors have no interest at all.
The site is worth three times as much as the click. Organising content can have a big impact.
Topic based content for earlier-stage visitors
Topics are the defining interest for both early and late-stage visitors; it is what they have in common. Building content for topics is highly recommended and is where the search industry is headed.
- It achieves maximum traction by changing the minds of people who are not ready to buy.
- The decisions they are trying to make are different, so the content should be granular to support them in the steps
Organising principles
This is a rough summary guiding our site development
- Match all searches with a page - number 1
- Build around topics, not single landing pages
- Understand the sales and marketing timeline
- Recognise niches and write for them
- Use navigational pages to handle ambiguous clicks
Now that 95% of searches are ambiguous, by their nature, the organisation and navigation of information have the most impact.
We have seen 3 - 5 times the number of leads by moving and grouping the right content by topic.
Improve SEO conversion
The bonus is that what we do to fix the paid traffic will also improve organic clicks. That early-stage organic cohort has always been slightly broken and ignored somewhat because it hasn't been clear what they want and how we help them best.
Modelling Search Audiences
On our part, we now have a model to help understand the value of any search. It means we are better at helping organise and prioritise. Although, the proper process is still a work in progress. We haven't found software to help us as yet.
- It is highly manual; spreadsheets are back.
- We'll develop ways to share thinking more efficiently as we go along.
Help us?
This is a stressful time for many, and bad news is never easy at the best of times. Some people seem to want us to fix Google at our own expense. In the meantime, our service was under pressure just through learning and having to think harder at the same time as doing.
But that's old news. We worked on it.
Now, we are in a great place and ready for 2024. A sense of calm because we know what to do. Bring it all on.
Happy New Year.
It's a bit brighter outside. The economic shocks seem to have gone through; inflation is down in the States, and growth is returning. Let's hope we can follow their lead in the UK.
Our plan for the coming months
- Fix what Google broke by making life more relevant for website visitors.
- We can achieve this through levels of content structure and a process, we outline below
- Better communicate to clients what their visitors are looking for and how to maximise intent.
More content is the moat to build and secure a competitive advantage, but only if it serves visitors.
Search can be the most valuable of marketing channels because everyone who clicks is already interested. But we now receive all levels of interest. The click profile is now more general, ambiguous, and less defined than before (more like SEO). We can't rely on individual clicks as much as we used to.
It doesn't mean those clicks aren't still there, but extracting value has changed forever, and we might as well get used to that and do something about it.
More relevance and personalisation
It feels like the only way to counter hyper-competition and ubiquity is to be more specific and timely in meeting our audiences' interests. We qualify visitors and serve them more purposefully.
Random blogs won't cut it for new search visitors; save those for your existing community!
To de-fluff the click, we uncover the visitor intent and structure our content around them. It's an obvious response; it gets results, but it is a new way of thinking for many.
Achieving profitability is to serve all the relevant clicks, not just the obvious short-term ones. Unpacking the hidden long-term value allows us to reinvest at higher rates of return.
For most websites, 90% of all visitors originate in search engines.
Content that serves them better is worth doing
I hope we can help you better connect with 'visitors' by mapping out who they are and what they want.
Making this whole 'seo' mumbo jumbo more visible to marketing is what we hope to achieve.
Top Five Relevance Factors
Each of these principles makes a website visitor's experience more relevant to what they were looking for. And therefore, we hope more likely to start a conversation.
Honing in on these 'relevance' principles has been rewarding, and once you start, it becomes an obvious next step.
1. Match the Search
This is where we started; the visitor is delighted when we match the search with a page—for every search, not just a few. It's a pretty courteous way to do things. If the headline matches the search, instantly, they feel seen.
Anticipating visitor needs now extends beyond the single search / landing page. That approach won't work on its own for much longer; anyone can do that, and they will do it quicker with modern content tools. Serving the whole audience is the next frontier, and we have worked hard on a framework that helps us understand those audiences.
Very few people understand who is on their website and what they want.
We'll start with what an audience looks like.
2. Topic Focus
How do you define an audience? I would say it is a group of people with a common interest.
The topic is the subject they were looking for, the focus of their attention, it is the primary unit of interest. When we organise website content around the topic - a topic hub - we get more buy-in and fewer people bounce. They are automatically interested in more adjacent content.
But not every word is a topic. The topic word is just one of 16 types of words we see in search phrases. We will help people spot those topic words and build more cohesive content around them. Incidentally, this is also how we fix campaign structure as well as website structure.
How we do that is always a work in progress! There is no software.
3. Topic has a Timeline
We all follow a well-worn path in buying and decision-making, whatever the product, service, solution or problem. It is a human condition. People call it the funnel or AIDA, but I prefer to call it a buyers' decision journey because that better indicates what they are trying to do.
Making decisions is how they take action, it's what people want to do.
Focus on the decisions visitors are trying to make. The underlying structure and timeline of sales and marketing conversations exist in real life. We see it digitally in search words and can mirror it in our content.
When content structure matches that buying process, we achieve greater relevance. It's not straightforward. But it gets you thinking deeply about how you appeal to different people and their interests, and that's a very good thing.
4. Niche Audiences
Different types of words in search tell us aspects of 'who people are'. Locations, Industries, Roles, Demographics.
Paying more attention to these words always works to help our visitors see themselves on the website and in the copy. It can have a major impact and add to the sense of personalisation and higher relevance for the visitor. In many cases, the visitor profile will be just as, or more important than, the topic in the search. We can double the results.
Niches are where the power of messaging comes into its own.
We now have two organising principles for the website: topic hubs and audience hubs. Our challenge is to serve visitors and make it obvious which is particularly interesting on a mobile device!
5. Ambiguous click handling
Most searches are highly ambiguous, especially those on the home page. The more diverse the audience, the more generic and bland the messaging can become. On the other hand, being too specific with one group risks alienating others. Ideal Client Profiles can kill website performance.
The home page is not the ideal landing page, but it's where the most ambiguous clicks end up.
Navigation is our unsung hero.
Unless people are in the right place, they won't convert. We can get them there by asking visitors what they want.
Once they are there, our messaging becomes more powerful and personalised. We are more specific with our answers to their questions. Navigation is how we enhance relevance and personalisation.
The upper layers of a website have to be navigational, and more graphical. But the topic layers are the other way around, we want to serve our most interested and short-term buyers first.
This is all pointless without a system to help us decide what to do next. So that's what we are building.
As with all simple things, it takes a while to make them that way.
We have been working with a framework expert to try to capture these ideas and map out the actions so we can 'do the next thing' without thinking too hard. Completing this Search Intent model is where most of our work will be in the next 12 months. We'll need the practice, starting with our clients' website audiences.
We call it 'mapping' the search DNA. We look forward to sharing it with you over the coming weeks.
Search is the original marketing automation created by writing things on your website. The right things bring you opportunities repeatedly. It's a nicer way to generate new business.
Write what things?
Cut to the chase with website content: commercial website visits are for decision-making. People don't have much time to browse; they search for answers.
The first law of website content says, "Match the search with a page", visitors get
The second law of website content says we focus on their decisions, and it goes better. To get to the point: here's how to think about their whole journey.
How people make decisions on websites.
There is a progression in decision-making often referred to as a funnel.
It's a human condition that follows a pattern, a timeline. And since search clicks arrive at any point on that timeline, we highlight website content for all their 'decision-making steps' in high definition here.
The decision timeline
In this simple example, a search timeline for a "New Kitchen." Every step here is a different search; it deserves different content.
Imagine they are asking themselves these questions. Our advice is in green.
- What is it? Should I be interested?
- "What is a kitchen"
- If we have to define it, are they serious yet?
- Special note: this is the easiest, least valuable click to get. It's fool's gold.
- Should I read this?
- "Example searches given in quotation marks"
- If we match the search with a page, they are far more likely to read it, expect double the results,
- Can I be bothered to do anything
- Search "Kitchen Ideas"
- How much better will the future be if they do
- How much worse is the future if they don't
- How do we stoke ambition?
- What will it feel like, the process, how is it done
- Search "Kitchen Design"
- It's safe; other people do this; we got you; see it, imagine it.
- What is the scope? How do I define what is included
- Search "Kitchen Installation"
- Talk about what choices people need to make
- How can I choose between all the options out there
- Search "New Kitchens"
- Usually, the choice is between quick, cheap and perfect
- Here are all options, including 'other suppliers' and DIY
- Pros and cons, the trade-offs
- What budget and service levels do you offer
- Search "Cost of New Kitchens"
- Clickers include all levels of budget.
- Here are our gold, silver and bronze versions
- What do I get for my chosen product version
- Search "Best German Kitchens"
- It will be worth it. Here is our strong value proposition.
- Why should I choose to work with you?
- Search "Kitchen Company" "Kitchen Showroom"
- Credibility, quality, safety, likeable experts
Only an example, a kitchen purchase
The decisions people make are highly situation-specific. And this example is missing all the niches.
Search: New kitchen decisions
- Our kitchen is embarrassing;
- if we buy a new kitchen extension, we can invite more of the family around.
- How do you choose a new kitchen anyway?
- What colour is best, and what materials
- What's important? What haven't I thought of
- How can we make the most of space
- Can I justify spending the money? Will it be worth it
- What sort of choices are there between options
- Can't I update what I have
- What look can I afford
- How long will it last? Is it durable
- Are you local?
- Shall we book in at the showroom,
- Will they try and sell to me
- Have these people got a reputation to lose
This may not be a perfect representation. But it illustrates what might be in people's heads when deciding whether to start a conversation. Not everything is in every head, but now, due to Google beer watering, we serve an audience across the whole timeline.
The thinking around decision-making is the point. Unless you are discussing the decisions being made, we are further away from generating more conversations.
Conversion factors
Salespeople will be the best source of questions to answer with this type of decision-level content.
This piece will get too long, but the overlay to this content journey is in the niche audiences you serve.
The more specific the niche audience pages you create, the more people will get past that last question, "why should they deal with you?". It's normally about them.
There is inertia to change. Create energy by showing the difference between a fabulous future and not wanting to stay with the status quo. Points for enthusiasm, for selling the idea of doing something before they then choose what to do.
Moving away from the status quo could involve negativity. We should be careful. Negativity sometimes prevents progress, affecting confidence in the ability to change. But when used in contrast, it can create energy.
Risk reduction
Understanding the reasons people do nothing is where the experts shine. The potential for embarrassment is one of those reasons; it's the risk of feeling stupid for making the wrong choice. That's why choice and comparison are important.
In some cases, it can involve the risk to careers. The risk of making the wrong decision looms large closer to taking action.
Choice reduces risk
Visitors represent the spectrum of price/quality: the broader the range, the more the content works. Having a choice is an underrated conversion factor.
Not serving the range means wasted clicks and fewer returns. But also, if there is only one choice, it might feel the risk is too great to start a conversation. They'll compare other websites instead of options.
Who am I dealing with, what do they look like, and will it be fun working with them? Can I get valuable knowledge without paying for it. Do they share?
Reducing the unknown reduces risk.
For higher-value products and services
People are in the market for a lot longer than we might want for lumpy, big sales tickets.
The higher the risk, the more the trust requirement, the more confident people need to feel about their decision. Doubt and indecision are the real reason opportunities don't progress.
It is your expertise and relaxed nature that helps them feel comfortable. You know what? Experts are often found talking about their stuff; you can't stop them. It breeds confidence.
Regular Content
The most successful lead-generating and growth projects have all produced regular content. It's just how it has been.
It's a quantity game at its heart. Make enough calls, and you will get lucky. Same for content. The difference is that lucky content 'calls' can work repeatedly for years to come.
But it's not just any content. Experts understand the reasons people don't take action. It is that indecision is final. Covering these indecisions is where the luck is.
The better we understand our website visitors, the better we design our web communications.
We finally made a framework for this, and I’m looking to use it on some willing test subjects (10-minute export). It’s how to use site data to plan content. We try to understand this visitor data better than anyone else.
It's a courtesy-based philosophy.
Listening before talking
Search visitors (often 90% of all website visits) are giving us their attention - it's up to us to want to respond. The data about what they searched for is freely available but rarely used for planning communications and websites.
Partly, the data is tricky to ‘see’ as it’s mixed up together like a bunch of cables. And partly, it’s hard to interpret even once you’ve untangled it. You need a cypher.
So we made that. Then, we made it actionable by creating some content laws!
The three laws of website content
Turning listening into actionable content development.
- Exactly match content to each visitor search
- Write for the level of intent, the decision journey stage
- Group content around topic and niche audiences
A bit of explanation
Law 1: matching the search
Active listening, matching what each visitor searches for, is courteous.
Titles, descriptions, URLs, headlines, breadcrumbs, and sub-menus. All signals. It is a page dedicated to their search. It shows we are listening intently. That first impression of relevance grabs those visitors and then attracts more. It's effective.
- We need a lot of pages to reach this level of courtesy.
- Picking the most valuable ones first is where we can help.
Law 2: Write for intent, the decision journey
'Intent' is something very unclear. It means the likelihood of 'doing something'. And, therefore, a useful signal for marketing. Doing what, though? It helps to know that.
We call it a decision journey because most visitors are interested in making decisions. That is their intent in 'doing' something.
Before every action is a decision or two.
The decision timeline
- Should I be interested in this and why?
- Is it worth doing?
- Articles to inspire, motivate and breed confidence
- How is it done? Is it for me?
- Which way, out of all the ways, should I choose
- What service levels are there
- What do I get, product features and benefits
- Who shall I work with, and why
These steps demonstrate, generically, that visitors' intent at each stage is a different decision. The first decisions are more about selling ideas.
Many organisations think only about selling features and benefits. The last decision is the most important (most valuable search).
Sometimes, you see gaps. That's useful because it’s hard to see the absence of something if you’ve never seen it.
Sometimes, we see the different decision levels in the timeline represented in specific searches. When that happens, we can land people in a place that both interests them and delivers timely messaging.
The wrong content at the wrong time might feel too pushy or not pushy enough. The content doesn’t change; the level of interest does. Are your visitors in the right place? Topic navigation is becoming a thing.
Law 3: Group content for topic and niche audiences
The primary unit of visitor interest is the topic. We don’t yet build websites around topics, but we should. It would show that we’re listening and helpful. It's the visitor’s interest, their conversation.
We serve visitors by grouping our content around their topic and making it easier to find the next step. If we don't, we could be talking over them instead. The topic audience nearly always wraps around the decision timeline above. All arrive at different times. A single keyword is hopelessly out of context.
We look to build two types of relevance hubs to serve visitors better.
Topic hubs: Surrounded by content on the same topic
Audience hubs: Aspects of who they are for content personalisation: Industry, | role, etc.
Topic hubs cover the buyers’ decision journey
The right message at the right time delights visitors
Exact topic keywords don’t give enough information to go on, but group the content together, and they can find their path through the sub-content. A hub page can direct people, acting as a guide, asking questions, and putting the answers on the page as links.
Audience hubs to match the niche.
Salespeople change the conversation based on who they are talking to, and so should websites.
If searchers include a niche, industry, role, or location, for example, it represents their primary need for a relevant page. In case that's interesting, it also multiplies the click's value by a lot.
The outcome of courtesy
Focus on visitors and the next step in their journey, and you will get more traction.
When you are perceptive enough of the decision timeline, you can start to plan content without keywords; you can plan the conversation. Things feel different and purposeful. You know what to do next.
We listen, we get relevant, we personalise.
We build websites in a different way.
Any Questions?
Google are in court this week. Big revenue target pressure has seen their ads team extracting more money from customers with less transparency than ever.
They admit to fiddling with ad bids and auctions, adding 5 to 10% to minimum click costs. Click costs are the least big problem.
Nothing much has been revealed in a trial held largely in secret. So, I wanted to share their smoke and mirror activity.
What have they done, and what can we do?
What follows is my best shot at explaining a clever transformation in Google Ads (for our professional services clients). And then, knowing the problems, there is a list of what we can do.
Hint: It will involve improving the 'website customer experience' (for all visitors); it should also work for ads, SEO and other clicks.
Search is still an incredibly valuable invention, and it still works. As some enlightened clients say, it's the same for everybody.
But first, the nature of changes. There are three related issues.
Adding water to the beer
The vast majority of searches don't attract ad clicks. Google calls that their click inventory.
As Google Ads practitioners, we previously siphoned off the highly valuable commercial clicks and left others. Google want us to advertise to more of their click inventory, and I can see their point.
They changed their ad systems.
No longer can we select single keywords to target drip by drip. The click streams are often now fully on by default. Watering down our beer.
We can still negate and turn off words one keyword drip at a time. We have been muttering and whinging about it ever since. Turning the flow down is bloody time-consuming. But there are a couple more issues.
Ads were made worse
Averaging and hiding things extends to ads as well as their analytics. Our ability to measure was reduced by them randomising ad text elements.
Sold as Ai ads - it looks random, but if one set of ads performs too well, it reduces the ability for competition bids to raise the click prices. Why else would they make ads worse performing?
For that matter, is it an actual auction if Google is bidding against itself? It's all a bit nuts, like the emperor's clothes. Whatever, the extreme value of search ads is being watered down a little with each element.
But the real change is in the buckets of words we can bid on.
Bucketising of words, the hidden problem
I doubt the court will see this one.
We ask for keywords in the ads platform, but the clicks we actually get are for various related search terms - Google chooses which.
Keywords are becoming more ambiguous, and the buckets are bigger. An ad guy described it as sawdust in the sausage. Hidden clicks we didn't ask for. But ambiguity is a more subtle problem.
Sometimes, we ask for a specific, only to be served (loosely defined) with other words in the general category. Examples only,
- 'Childcare' as well as 'nursery'
- 'Property solicitors' as well as 'ILA solicitors'
- 'Dentists' as well as 'cosmetic dentists'
- 'Glazing' as well as 'double glazing'
People do multiple searches; it is re-searching. Advertising costs will increase because we get more of these earlier-stage category research word clicks. The potential onward journey for a category researcher is a much longer string of multiple clicks. Mana for Google.
The above words can look similar to those who don't care about returns on spending. But billions of clicks of inventory suddenly come into play.
Fluffier words target a wider earlier group of needs.
The lack of specificity and the ambiguity in the extra clicks that might break product market fit is a slightly different problem. It explains why ads now are fluffier, to meet the fluffier topic clicks.
Pages must change to handle this different type of click. So might the product range, depending on keyword product market fit.
The ability to target short-sales cycle high-intent niche search terms is also smudged. Niche words representing personas increase click value, and those can disappear into the bucket unless we empty it one drip at a time.
The double win for Google is from including more words than we want and folding the high-value intent words into bidding like raisins in a cake. We can't order the raisins, but we can pick them out.
Not illegal let's make that clear.
Worsening the experience for their clients, the search engine users and me - it might see them shoot themselves in the foot. But it is their game. The rules have changed, and we have to improve what we do.
But pause here for thought.
Are these extra clicks really without value? Can we describe our website visitors as 'sawdust'? It doesn't sound wise. After all, these words already show up in our SEO campaigns and data.
How to combat click costs: the search for value:
Website Customer Experience
Are we doing our best for our existing website visitors?
No. That is the short answer. It's hard to see what's going on, and hard to understand visitors in rows of words in spreadsheets, obscured by Google and SEO software that misses the point.
The new clicks we are getting will be different intent, and they will need different content. Searchers ignore anything they weren't looking for at first. And answering the digital phone when visitors call is courteous (and profitable).
We have at least to match all these extra searches with page content. Performance is driven largely by saying the right thing at the right time.
Improve website customer experience.
In most cases, the cost increase per click is covered by website experience gains, both the conversion rate and number of new conversations.
But how?
Websites are built inside out.
It is often outbound messaging on an inbound platform. We don't build sites around visitors enough. Here are some options.
In future articles, we go into more detail about each of these points below.
How to raise the website conversion rate
Here is the list of topics to help combat click costs
- Increasing site speed raises the conversion rate by a lot
- Good design can double conversion, halving the price
- Reorganising content around the visitor interest improves conversion
- Building for mobile visitors will raise the conversion rate
- Content for niches raises the conversion rate
- Personalised genius messaging raises the conversion rate
- Negating words diligently will raise the conversion rate
- Learning about ambiguity will raise the conversion rate
- Content for the buyer's decision journey will win
By far and away, the most profitable action will be improving the website customer experience by listening more closely and figuring out the journey. Testing it.
Website visitors start the conversation.
They give us their search terms; we must listen, understand, and respond with content.
Understanding the audience segments and adapting the journey for each. Personalisation and concierge-level service are easier once you see the whole audience. You can predict what's needed.
Often, there are gaps you can't see.
More/better content
More content will help mid-stage visitors get closer to their destination. Help them with clicks on our sites instead of leaving them to go back to Google.
Adding missing content will also improve SEO by an awful lot.
Because SEO clicks are free of individual cost and can't be measured very well, the practice is to try and get more. But higher volume words are worse performing, even earlier in the journey. They take even more content to support them. Leave volume phrases until later. Let's do better for what we have already.
At the very least, can we put the words searchers use on a page? There are quite a lot.
Perfect projects
Many clients with more content have been insulated from this so far. They are busy building a visitor inclusivity moat.
A regular production of well-designed content to serve visitors and their interests. There are unlimited clicks available for this type of project.
It takes a thoughtful, knowledgeable, enthusiastic and driven team. Humbly, we'd like to help your team with ours. Extract your data, map your audiences and start organising the site.
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Matt Lambert
Website Marketing Strategist | Turning Keywords into Audiences.
Uncovering search audiences and clarifying what people are looking for. Talks about #websitedesign, #contentstrategy, #searchmarketing, #websitemarketing, and #digitalamarketing